The LEED reference guide has the C&DWM Planning Pre-req as eligible for Campus credit, but the actual C&DWM credit has Campus INeligible (both are eligible for Group). Why?! C&DWM should be a campus credit if there are two building going up next to each other. No reason to make segregation harder than it should be. Anybody else come across this scenario?
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Dave Hubka
Practice Leader - SustainabilityEUA
LEEDuser Expert
532 thumbs up
April 13, 2022 - 4:18 pm
the wording of the language is a bit confusing in LEED Online.
project teams must first register a CAMPUS. Prereqs/Credits are not able to be documented at the CAMPUS level.
then project teams must register a MASTER SITE within the CAMPUS. Prereqs/Credits are able to be documented at the MASTER SITE level.
Items documented, and approved at the MASTER SITE level, are achieved on all future projects submitted within the MASTER SITE.
so in the case of the Construction Waste, a Construction Waste Management plan can be approved at the MASTER SITE level with each project - or group project - providing actual waste diversion rates.
I have several CAMPUSes / MASTER SITEs set up in LEED Online, and each with multiple buildings constructed at the same time by the same team. I get the Construction Waste Plan approved at the MASTER SITE level then track waste at the Group/Project level.
hope this helps!
Geoffrey Brock
Director of SustainabilityIPS-Integrated Project Services
1 thumbs up
April 14, 2022 - 6:29 am
Thanks David, that doesn't quite answer the question of whether two adjacent buildings can't share CWM tracking without being a "Group". The whole distinction between Master site and Campus (and the way they are represented on LEED online) is a separate annoyance, but on that point, the reference manual does indeed have, within the credit langauge on page 602, a bullet point for "CAMPUS" with "Group Approach" or "Campus Approach". Back on page 10 where it describes 'CAMPUS PROJECTS', it does indeed reference the 'Master Site' as you stated, and separately it's clear the intent is that a "Group" is multiple buildings under 1 certification that share ALL credits, not some (so not an option for this project). Given the simple fact that sharing segregated containers would make segregation process more efficient overall, my conclusion remains that this is a flaw in the rating system and that CWM tracking should be able to be documented at a "Master Site"/"Campus" level. I have this question out to GBCI now as well, will let you know how it plays out. Thanks!
Ryann Malicdem
January 25, 2023 - 4:38 pm
Hi Geoffrey,
Did you recieve a response from GBCI on this? if so, could you share their feedback on the shared CWM tracking approach?
Sunnie Scott
LEED ManagerBechtel
February 6, 2023 - 3:44 pm
I am also curious. We have a Campus Plan with multiple buildings in close proximitry to each other under construction at the same time. How do we track the waste/diversion with out having waste from building A get put into Building B,or Cs dumpster?