Hi, on a recent project we were requested to provide evidence that 5 buildings built within the last three years did not have carbon monoxide sensors installed in the basement car parks in order to claim any savings. We followed and referenced the methodology outlined in the Advanced Energy Modelling For LEED document produced by the USGBC.
Is it always a requirement to provide evidence as per above since the baseline building does not have any controls for basement parking fans? I was also under the impression that guidance referenced in the Advanced Energy Modelling Guide would be 'official' and no further justifications required if the method of calculation is clearly outlined.
Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5921 thumbs up
November 20, 2014 - 10:35 am
There are several parts of the US where CO controlled ventilation in parking garages is required by code. There are also areas/situations where it is standard practice.
You are not justifying the method of calculation. You are justifying that CO sensors are not standard practice in your area.