On one of my projects we where only awarded 14 out of the 17 points we antcipated for EAc1. Our energy modeler caught a mistake in his model that caused it to show less % reduction that there acutally is. Is it possible to submit the appeal of this design credit after our construction review? Rather then spend the $500 to earn 3 points we may or may not need depending on how we make out on our construction credits?
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Emily Catacchio
Sustainability SpecialistWight and Company
610 thumbs up
January 25, 2012 - 9:06 pm
I believe that once you accept the design review, the button to choose an appeal disapears until the construction review. I am not sure if when it reappears during construction review if you can submit an appeal for a design credit. I would suggest contacting GBCI directly on this one. Just give them a call, they are usually prompt and helpful.
April 22, 2013 - 4:36 am
I have the same concern that I want to wait for the construction review to decide whether I need to appeal design credit EAc1. If construction review makes out enough credits,we do not need to spend $800 and simulation cost for appealing more points from EAc1.
Hence, I sent the query to GBCI,"can we submit design appeal after construction submittal or during construction appeal? ". The GBCI answer is: "The credit can be submitted during the design appeal phase".
Does this mean design credit can not be appealled after construction review?
Sara Greenwood
Cadmus Group16 thumbs up
November 11, 2013 - 8:54 am
I have the same question- has anyone been able to submit a design credit for an appeal during the construction credit submittal process? Any progress since this conversation started last spring?
Kathryn West
LEED AP BD+C, O+M, Green Globes ProfessionalJLL
154 thumbs up
November 11, 2013 - 5:45 pm
I would think that you could. It's more revenue for the reviewers, after all....
This isn't super helpful but some more information:
I notice during my construction review that I have an option to submit previously-reviewed design phase credits. Next to each credit there is an option to select that the credit is being resubmitted due to a 1) design change or 2) a documentation change. I would guess that if you select the "documentation" one you could find out whether it's allowed. Something will pop up prompting you that it's not allowed or that you need to pay an appeal fee. Just have to be careful not to submit for construction review accidentally! as long as you don't enter your card information you should be safe. I would think you could still submit it you just have to pay the appeal fee.
The answer is probably somewhere in the Certification Policy Manual http://www.usgbc.org/sites/default/files/Jan2012_Cert_Policy_Manual_0.pdf