Is there any feature in LEED online to lock the credits not to be changed by other team members ? I was about to submit for design final submission but then the owner postponed it for one attachment. Everything is ready to go and I have already gone through the checklist. Now, I do want to keep all the related credits in locked position until I submit it because I do not want go through and check every single attachment and form again
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LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
May 24, 2015 - 10:03 am
Matt - Unfortunately the new LEED Online feature of marking credits "Ready for Review" does not lock them like LOv3's feature of marking them "Complete" did. Use the Activity Log feature (I see that you now customize the one for all your projects on the main LO landing page) to see what (if any) activity has occurred in a credit since you marked it Ready for Review. You can access a project-wide Activity Log (the road icon on the Details page) or you can do access the Activity Log credit-by-credit on the Credits page (it's the road icon next to each expanded credit.) Good luck on your submittal.
P.S. In regards to locking folks out: Something I haven't explored but wondered about is using Exclusive Access feature to lock folks out. With Exclusive Access on, could you remove all team members from the credits prior to submittal and lock everyone out? It is an extreme solution but if it worked, it would avoid any inadvertent changes.
Charles Nepps
NH Green Consulting97 thumbs up
May 24, 2015 - 6:27 pm
Short of changing all Team members projects permission status, the best solution is to email all Team members asking them not to modify anything. Short of that, monitor the activity log, as Michelle suggested, for any possible changes.