We are renovating a university dining facility that is within a dorm. The Minimum Energy Retail Calculator includes a table for kitchen equipment, with a link to the California Energy Wise calculators. This is supposed to be providing the baseline usage and the proposed usage. However, the calculator only shows you the annual savings for each piece of equipment, not a comparison. What are we missing?
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Tyler Thumma
7GroupLEEDuser Expert
67 thumbs up
August 31, 2020 - 3:01 pm
It looks like the calculator gives you energy savings in kWh and %. So you can use this information to calculate the Proposed usage as:
(kWh savings) x [1 - (% savings)] / (% savings)
The Baseline usage would then just be Proposed usage + kWh savings.
Gabriela Crespo
Senior Energy AnalystBrightworks Sustainability
1 thumbs up
June 3, 2021 - 3:31 pm
Hi, we're working on a couple of TI's that have kitchen fit outs in their scope of work. I'm not clear on how this calculator plays into the pre req and credit requirements. Is it part of the documentation needed for the ENERGY STAR equipment/appliances piece? So 50% should comply for the pre req, and then 70-90% for the credit? Or is there an additional requirement in the pre req that requires project teams to demonstrate 90% of their kitchen specific appliances to meet prescriptive measures? I am interpreting prescriptive measures to be the Energy Star rating, is this correct?
Tyler Thumma
7GroupLEEDuser Expert
67 thumbs up
July 15, 2021 - 1:53 pm
The Minimum Energy Retail Calculator is listed as a required upload in the LEED form for both Option 1 and 2. It is not needed for the ENERGY STAR equipment/appliances piece as that is included directly in the form itself. For Option 1, the calculator can be used to document savings for the retail process equipment. For Option 2, the calculator is used to demonstrate that 90% of the total process equipment energy consumption complies with the prescriptive measures in Appendix 3, Tables 1-4 (https://www.usgbc.org/credits/new-construction-existing-buildings-commercial-interiors-core-and-shell-schools-new-constr-4).