Dear All,

We are certifying a building that will include the following areas:

  • Museum type areas (75% of total area)
  • Small convention center (10% of total area)
  • Technical areas (15% of total area).

Two questions:

  1. We cannot find guidance for the base ratios for parking spaces for museums in the LEED Reference Guide. We have already consulted the PCC Recommended Zoning Ordinance Provision (5th edition) that provides guidance for different situations but do not indicate base ratios (please refer to the figure below). The question is: which figure shall we use as base ratio (average, 33rd, 85th) ? Weekday, Saturday or Sunday ? General Urban / Suburban or Dense Muilt-Use Urban ?


  1. Can we use a mix of zones to calculate the applicable base ratio for LEED (in this specific case, a mix between base ratios using the convention center and the museum) ? The idea would be to calculate the number of parking spaces for the museum zones and the number of parking spaces for the convention center and consider that the base ratio for the building corresponds to the sum of each base ratio.
