BIFMA will be releasing a new version of the e3 standard late 2024 or early 2025. BIFMA e3/LEVEL requires third party certificaiton for products to the e3 standard. BIFMA and it's members believe the new standard aligns with several, if not all, of the 5 criteria. BIFMA e3/LEVEL is the leading sustainability certification for furniture products therefore its critical for its inclusion in LEEDv5 for additional criteria. 

BIFMA e3/LEVEL will have mininum criteria per LEVELs 1-4. Criteria for BIFMA e3/LEVEL include social responsibility, climate health, human health, and ecosystem health. For example, LEVEL 3 will require product a carbon footprint, chemical disclosure and assessment, and supply chain due diligence. 

We believe a product that achieved the new version of BIFMA LEVEL certification has the necessary validation demonstrates conformance to the building product disclosure and optimization requirements across the various proposed criteria. BIFMA can provide the standard, scorecard, etc., for further details to properly align criteria.