Hi all,

We have a project where the floor plate is 120'x120' with 12' high windows on 3 sides of floor plate. open offices as fully glazed private offices line the perimeter windows up to 45' into the floor plate. The center of the floor plate are support spaces like copy rooms/storage/etc. The client would like to know whether this type of space is qualified for LEED daylighting. We've never dealt with this depth and proportion of floor plate before for an office. We would suggest putting skylights in to add more daylighting into the deep offices at the back but otherwise it seems okay. I read the reference guide a couple of times though it doesn't mention anything about building depth it's quite intuitive that it should matter and that alternative daylight strategies need to come into play.

Can anyone point me in a direction where I can find information on building depth and daylight in the LEED CI 2009. Also, because this is the very beginnings of the project is there a quick and dirty way of measuring daylighting to ensure that we get the daylight points? I really don't want to go to a daylight simulation route as that can get tedious (unless someone knows how to do this quickly) I've looked into both software Radiance and Daysim and it makes my head spin.
