Greetings, I am trying to benchmark a medical devices manufacturing facility using Portfolio Manager and LEED EBOM Option 2B since this facility is not eligible for and Energy Star score. If I'm using 2013 as my performance period I would need to normalize 2010 through 2012 to make my comparison?
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Ben Stanley
Senior Sustainability ManagerWSP - Built Ecology
LEEDuser Expert
250 thumbs up
February 4, 2014 - 4:05 pm
Yes, that's right. For Option 2B, you need to compare the performance period year against 3 consecutive years within the past 6 years. You'll also need to normalize the energy use for those historic years. Often, the normalization is done using the production of the facility over the historic and performance period years.
Omar Delgado
Mechanical EngineerEnerMech
20 thumbs up
March 3, 2014 - 4:04 pm
Thanks Ben.
I'm using the DOE EnPI to normalize for production. It gives me the EUI in terms of MMBtu/unit. How do I use that info on the EAc2 Calculator which requires kBtu/sf?