LEED v4.1 references ASTM standard E2813 Standard Practice for Building Enclosure Commissioning regarding BECx requirements. This standard outlines two levels of commissioning: fundamental and enhanced. It's unclear which level of BECx commissioning is required to fulfill the requirements of this LEED credit. 

For fundamental BECx, the BECxP needs to be engaged during the Design Phase, a minimum of one design review is required by the BECxP, and first installation field mock-ups are required as a minimum.

For enhanced BECx, BECxP needs to be engaged earlier during pre-design, a minimum of three design reviews are required, and pre-construction lab mock-up or on-site free standing building mock-ups are to be tested. The scope and number of tests and field reviews are vary between the two, which are further outlined in ASTM E2813.

Which level of BECx is required to qualify for this LEED credit? Or does the Owner have the liberty to choose and outline the BECx level in the OPR?