Hello everyone,
I am simulating a 6-floor, 50 000-square-meter hospital and I am struggling to understand how to behave with some zones. As far as I understood bathrooms and deposits are usually considered indirectly conditioned spaces and consequently should be cooled the same way as the baseline building. In this case, I should cool them with a System #7. My question is whether I should create the whole system (including chiller and boiler) or I can just connect the air circuit to the existing cooling and heating circuits. Also, since I just need cooling should I just model the cooling elements of the system? And finally, should I create a system for each room or for each floor or can it be just a single one for all of them?
I have the same doubts also for the technical rooms, which in the project are only cooled. Obviously, in this case my doubts are relative to the heating items of System #7.
I thank you in advance for your help.
Best regards.
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