just to confirm, because I feel like there is conflicting (and a lot of) information being posted...the tenant is fitting out a suite in an EBOM building and only has a breakroom sink in their suite. They will be using the base building restrooms and shower (pursuing SSc4.2). To meet WEp1 for this tenant, they need to include the plumbing fixtures for the restrooms and shower in their calculations? the plumbing fixtures in the base building are at the baseline flow and flush rate, which satisfies the EBOM requirements (due to the age of the building) but will not allow the tenant to fulfill the prerequisite or get certified. this seems VERY odd to me. please clarify.
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Anthony Brower
Sustainable Design DirectorGensler
47 thumbs up
June 9, 2011 - 10:14 pm
To satisfy the prerequisite you need to demonstrate a 20% water use reduction in your tenant space. However, once you do this you no longer qualify for any of the points available in WEc1 in which you must include all fixtures that the occupants would utilize. The hinge word here is space as opposed to scope. Before the semantic change full floor occupants could claim that the core bathrooms were not in their project scope.
Norma Lehman
PrincipalThe Beck Group
133 thumbs up
June 10, 2011 - 9:04 am
so, just to confirm, if we are just attempting WEp1 (not attempting WEc1), we just use our breakroom faucet, we do not include core bathroom fixtures or the shower in our WEp1 calculations. is that correct?
we are pursuing SSc4.2 so we will require use of the core showers.
Norma Lehman
PrincipalThe Beck Group
133 thumbs up
June 10, 2011 - 4:43 pm
per your direction above, i completed the WEp1 form showing only our new kitchen faucet. the form will not show "compliance documentation" as "Y" without somethng filled in for flush fixtures. if i don't have to include the core building toilets, then why isn't the form showing "Y" for complete?
Jessica Aubert
LEED APHefferlin and Kronenberg Architects
31 thumbs up
November 7, 2011 - 12:55 pm
Norma- I have a very similar situation which I am trying to find a solution to. Did you receive a definate answer on this? I have a base building which was originally several historic warehouses and is now a multi-use retail/business building. The owner's of this property would like to encourage new tenants to pursue a LEED CI certification, but they recently replaced the base building fixtures with fixtures which do not produce a water use reduction and they do not want to have to replace the fixtures again. Can a tenant having only a break-room sink achieve the water-use reduction prerequisite by decreasing the flow rate of only that fixture and not addressing the base building fixtures that will be used by the occupants but are not within the tenant space?
Karen Blust
Green Building ConsultantThe Cadmus Group
124 thumbs up
November 11, 2011 - 1:02 pm
Jessica, have you seen the Water Use Reduction Additional Guidance document dated 12/1/09 and updated 11/1/11 (http://www.usgbc.org/ShowFile.aspx?DocumentID=6493)? Your project appears to fall under Case 4. Given that you only have a (presumably low-flow) breakroom sink within your tenant space, prerequisite achievement will be based solely on the water savings of that fixture. However, keep in mind that projects identifying with Case 4 cannot achieve WEc1 points since their water savings will be based on the water savings of the tenant fixture alone and not for all of the fixtures necessary to meet the needs of the tenant occupants.
Jessica Aubert
LEED APHefferlin and Kronenberg Architects
31 thumbs up
November 14, 2011 - 9:13 am
Thank you for the help! I had not seen that document. Do the instructions for how to fill out the prerequisite form essentially ensure that if your project falls (as outs does) into case 4 and is documented accordingly, you will achieve the prerequisite with only the reduction of water at the kitchen faucet? We would hate to encourage a client to pursue LEED certification and have them be disqualified due to a misinterpretation. Also, I have not tried to file WEp1 without filling in the flush fixture data. It doesn't seem that it would allow you to mark the form complete. Have you done this yet?
Elizabeth Powers
47 thumbs up
February 9, 2012 - 6:02 pm
I have read the addenda and am clear on the pathway to document just breakroom sinks where the prerequisite requirements can be met using an Alternative Compliance Path but no points can be earned in WEc1. My project has a full-service kitchen (pre-rinse spray sinks) and is looking to pursue SSc4.2. Do I follow the same case (case #4) since I am still not documenting water use reduction in base building flush fixtures or does the addition of the kitchen and showers change things?