The tracking form is now asking for average ADC produced by the sorting facility. This isn't part of the reporting we get from them. Is this optional?
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LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
May 9, 2017 - 6:33 pm
Michelle - Typically when they ask for a calculator to be completed they want the applicable components filled out in their entirety. Since ADC now is considered landfilled material instead of diverted, I can imagine USGBC was trying to ensure teams are accounting for this change from LEED 2009 correctly. So, while I can't say this is optional, couldn't a simple call or e-mail to your commingled collection facility answer the question and allow you to complete this information? Yet, since this isn't part of the calculation and if you can feel confident in checking off the checkbox on the form (Alternative daily cover (ADC) is excluded from diverted waste calculations but is included in total construction waste calculations) (if applicable*) then you could consider skipping it and letting us know what if you get a review comment on it.
*If ADC is not included because you don't have any ADC then, I wouldn't check the checkbox and use Special Circumstances to explain why you didn't check it.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
May 9, 2017 - 6:26 pm
Hi Michelle,
Yeah, I assume it's a cross check, too. We have several local receivers, only one of whom produces ADC according to what I've been told. But I don't have that in writing from any of them. That would mean I would be putting 0% ADC in the form. That doesn't necessarily mean anything with respect to the commingled percentage diverted or the residuals that remain if reviewers have some expectation of correlation. And to your statement above, it doesn't indicate ADC is included in total construction waste calculations, because it's not. I guess that's my concern. Is there some expectation that ADC is always a part of total construction waste?
LEEDuser Expert
623 thumbs up
May 9, 2017 - 6:41 pm
Since you have several receivers, I would get it in writing from the one who does have ADC. Can't you just leave the column blank for the others? (The calculator still seems to total even if that column is blank.)
I modified my previous comment to clarify that if you don't feel confident in checking off the checkbox re: ADC being included, you should use Special Circumstances instead.
I don't have an expectation that ADC is always part of total construction waste. Maybe the person who made the form at USGBC was using this checkbox as another way to ensure that teams know that ADC is now landfilled waste and not diverted in LEED v4 as opposed to LEED 2009.
Michelle Rosenberger
523 thumbs up
May 9, 2017 - 6:57 pm
Agreed, the calculator works without a number entered. That's why I asked if it was optional. I'll just leave it blank and explain. Thanks.