We use the Autocase tool for this innovation credit and find some of the inputs they require are slightly different than how LEED outputs information. I thought it would be good for anyone else doing the same to capture any feedback to help them better align. Two items I wanted to bring up are related to water.
Indoor water use: "What is your annual potable water consumption attributed to indoor spaces?" but its not clarified if its baseline or design case. Other credits have asked for baseline and % reduction.
Outdoor water use: "What is your annual potable water consumption attributed to outdoor spaces?" For this version of LEED, water is not estimated by annual use but based on peak watering month. Also need to clarify if this is baseline or design case.
Jill Kurtz
Director of Building SciencesPage
3 thumbs up
May 17, 2023 - 4:41 pm
Submitting this credit again and really wish public transit was available as that has such a big enveironmetnal impact that isn't typically captured on projects.
Jill Kurtz
Director of Building SciencesPage
3 thumbs up
June 29, 2023 - 5:04 pm
Outdoor water use we only achieved the prerequisite, not the points. We left teh points at 0 and filled in additional information. however, because we didn't achieve a point for the credit, Autocase would not calculate water as a major cateogry. we had to add in 1 pt was achieved in order for our data to be included in the analsis.
Jill Kurtz
Director of Building SciencesPage
3 thumbs up
June 29, 2023 - 5:05 pm
for Indoor water use, it is not clear in the info requested if annual Baseline water use should be provided or annual Design case "What is your annual potable water consumption attributed to indoor spaces?". This language should be clarified.
Caroline Sorge
DesignGreen Fellow, Architectural Design Professional IIHKS
July 5, 2023 - 11:34 am
Hi Jill, I am in a similar situation. A LEED v4 ID+C project did not earn any points for indoor water use reduction, yet we'd like to pursue the Autocase Innovation credit. On your project, did GBCI accept the 1 point tracked in the Autocase report/analysis for indoor water use reduction, despite your project truly earning 0 points? Thanks in advance for your response.
Rachael Johnson
February 8, 2024 - 4:49 pm
Hi Jill- the project that Carolina Sorge mentioned was submitted with the 1 Indoor Water Use point and no Outdoor Water Use points. It was accepted. Refer to section 2c of the credit language:
2c. For the three credits above, they are required if they are being achieved in the LEED submission. If any of the credits in 2b are not being achieved, they may be replaced with discretionary credits, as described in 2d, to make a total of at least 6 credits being analyzed.
As it was a CI project, it was not possible to achieve Outdoor Water Use reduction so we followed this part of the credit requirement and the credit was awarded.
Eunice Perez
December 11, 2024 - 9:03 am
Thank you! I had the same question regarding ID+C projects that don't have the Outdoor Water prereq or credit. AutoCase doesn't ask for the rating system, so it doesn't provide information on what's needed. Additionally, the credit language in ID+C includes Outdoor Water Reduction, even though this rating system doesn't include it.
David Haury
December 15, 2024 - 2:33 pm
I find myself in a comparable situation. A LEED v4 ID+C project did not achieve any points for the reduction of indoor water use; however, we are interested in pursuing the Autocase Innovation credit. In your project, did GBCI accept the one point documented in the Autocase report/analysis for indoor water use reduction, even though your project genuinely earned zero points? I appreciate your assistance in this matter. Thank you.
David Krisa
AssociateIntroba Canada
February 12, 2025 - 1:26 pm
We are working on a new project which is completing a triple bottom line analysis. We agree that the data required to complete a triple bottom line analysis is different than what a LEED application would otherwise require, necessitating additional work. However, in some cases, the differences in the metrics may appear to be necessary to calculate the incremental financial, environmental, and social costs that could otherwise not be determined solely using LEED application inputs.