Hello LEEDUser! I am working on a rather large building in NYC (2 million SF). They want to conduct an audit for IEQc3.2 but we are concerned about consistency. Here's why: 1) the building is too large to conduct a full audit in a timely manner with 2 people. Even starting first thing in the morning before occupants come to the building, we are still going to be auditing well into the evening hours which means that the spaces we get to later will be less clean because they will have been occupied all day. We may not even be able to complete the audit in under a day, which runs into more consistency issues. 2) we are considering using 2 teams of 2 auditors (4 people total) to get the job done faster to avoid this, BUT then we run into consistency issues with how the auditors are scoring and the fact that each team will only see half of the audited spaces. 2 teams will get the job done faster and all 4 people will receive the same APPA training. Is this an acceptable method? Has anyone ever conducted the audit like this? It seems like no matter what we do we are compromising the consistency of the audit. What do you recommend? Thank you!!