Hello to all,

I have following questions concerning  ASHRAE 90.1.2010 and unmet hours:

  1. The proposed building  according to G3.1.2.3 shall not exceed the 300  unmet hours. The 50 h between the proposed and the baseline is removed from 2010.  Is there any other restriction concerning unmet hours  between the proposed and the baseline?
  2. In Chapter 11 of  ASHRAE 90.1.2010  in 11.3.2  at i is mentioned “The unmet hours for the proposed building  shall not exceed the unmet hours for the budget building”.  What is meant by “budget building” ?  Does chapter 11 concern us when building our energy model?
  3. Must the Proposed building have the same thermostat throttling range with the baseline building? According Table F-1 it must be the same.

Thank you very much