My project is a Housing Authority remodel that has to meet Energy Star, thus be ASHRAE 55 compliant. Of course our budget is limited, but we are reusing perimiter HW finned tube in one of the buildings and adding Cooling only PTACs. The other building is EBB heat and adding PTACs as well. All apartments are one-bedroom and the PTAC will be placed in the living room with the intent that the adjacent bedroom is conditioned by the living room unit (remember budget constraints!). Fresh air is either windows or a central unit dumping into the corridors. My questions are as follows:

1.) Can I even do this with a PTAC and then if so can I do it with a single PTAC serving 2 rooms? It is definitely individual control, but multiple rooms, air speeds, humidity, etc are what they are based on the unit running per room temps.
2.) Am I reading correctly that radiant systems prevent me from using operative temps all together?
3.) If so, what programs are best recommended to figuring Mean Radiant Temps? (I do not believe my typical load program gives me this data)
