Hi guys
Please help me solve below three question
1.LEED Guidance required 75% of all regularly occupied spaces meet the daylight requirements at both 9 a.m. and 3 p.m, my questing is the area meet the requrement must the same area? for example, one room has a 75% porportion of total floor area meet at 9 a.m, and another diffirent area meet the 75% , but it is not the same part between two situation, is this case can earn this credit? if it require the same part area, how i can specify this area in ecotect software?
2. in page 549 of leed reference guidance show that "25fc-500fc" can earn this credit, but it is "10fc-500fc" in Supplemental+Daylight+and+Views+Calculation+Spreadsheet and leeduser, which one is right? 10fc-500fc 0r 25fc-500fc?
3. in the submited summary reports, do i need paste all occupied space results in the reqports, if so, it will be time consuming , because my spaces are more than 100, and plus two situation(9am and 3pm), which will be difficult for me
any comments will pe appreciated, thanks in advance.