Hi guys
Please help me solve below three question
1.LEED Guidance required 75% of all regularly occupied spaces meet the daylight requirements at both 9 a.m. and 3 p.m, my questing is the area meet the requrement must the same area? for example, one room has a 75% porportion of total floor area meet at 9 a.m, and another diffirent area meet the 75% , but it is not the same part between two situation, is this case can earn this credit? if it require the same part area, how i can specify this area in ecotect software?
2. in page 549 of leed reference guidance show that "25fc-500fc" can earn this credit, but it is "10fc-500fc" in Supplemental+Daylight+and+Views+Calculation+Spreadsheet and leeduser, which one is right? 10fc-500fc 0r 25fc-500fc?
3. in the submited summary reports, do i need paste all occupied space results in the reqports, if so, it will be time consuming , because my spaces are more than 100, and plus two situation(9am and 3pm), which will be difficult for me
any comments will pe appreciated, thanks in advance.
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Energy Program SpecialistPA DMVA
LEEDuser Expert
890 thumbs up
November 12, 2013 - 8:29 am
The worst case scenario of either time for a space is the compliant square footage. So a space that is 78% compliant at 9am but only 50% compliant at 3pm would only 50% compliant overall. The 50% goes into the calculator.
A 2012 addenda changed the requirements to 10fc and 500fc.
If you have similar sized, shaped, and orientated spaces; you could just provide simulation results for one space and then in a narrative state what spaces are similar. You could also just submit the the results for the time being used in the calcs.
Not sure what program you are using, but you could do a whole floor plan in one simulation. Just ensure there is a bar graph indicating the illuminance values for the results. Increase your resolution and create a pdf using a paper size of at least 24x18.
Shenhao Li
Atkins7 thumbs up
November 12, 2013 - 9:05 pm
1. for the first question, i mean whether it should be exist a same part area compliant at 9am and 3pm? in your example, 50% part at 3pm may be not included in 78% part, may be just 80% poportion of 50% part included in 78% part, so i think only 40% goes into the calculator, is it right?
2. if my project apply CS 2009, do i need choose the range "10fc-500fc"?
Eddy Santosa
Director of SustainabilityDBR Engineering Consultants
376 thumbs up
November 13, 2013 - 3:59 pm
1. It doesn't need on the same sensor points. You just need to see the lower number percentage between two case (9 am and 3 pm).
2. Yes, you need to use 10fc-500fc.