Question on LEED NC 2009 SSc8 - For Option #1 on the interior lighting portion, is having an occupancy sensor alone installed on fixtures that have a direct line of sight sufficient to meet this requirement? The credit states the the fixtures need to be reduced by 50%, which is easily attainable by an occupancy sensor that cuts them by 100%. It also states they need to be off from 11pm-5am and if manually over-ridden, turn back off in less than 30 minutes. It would seem that if the time delay on the sensors was set to 30 minutes this would satisfy the requirement, however the 30 minute time limit would not be satisfied if the space remained occupied. The credit specifically states that overrides can be provided by a manual or occupant-sensing device, but this 30 minute limit in the event the space stays occupied is where the discrepancy is. Is the 30 minute limit voided if the allowable sensing device is continuously reactivated by occupants?
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