I provide consulting to many General Contractors working on buildings pursuing LEED Certification. Unfortunately, the Certified Wood Credit is one we run into many challenges with because of a lack of understanding about the Chain-of-Custody requirements and because in some cases, by the time I am brought on a project, the GC has already signed contracts with most of their vendors and subcontractors. My understanding is that in order for the Chain-of-Custody to remain intact for wood doors, and allow for that cost to count toward the Certified Wood credit, the door distributor MUST be FSC certified, even though the doors are being shipped directly from the manufacturer (FSC Certified) to the jobsite. I often refer to the third question/response found on this link: https://us.fsc.org/faqs-for-green-building.325.htm .

I have had a few companies challenge my understanding of this, stating that if the manufacturer is FSC certified, then there is no requirement for the door distributor to be FSC certified as well, especially if the doors are being shipped directly from the manufacturer. I would like to use this forum to get some feedback with regards to this.