I guess my question is; does the second review include review of changes made as a result of comments made during the second review? In other words; Design prelim; Comments made by reviewer; Changes made/comment responses; submitted. Construction prelim; Comments made by reviewer; Changes made/comment responses; submitted- is this last set of information reviewed as a function of the second review, or does that require an appeal to review the corrections made from the third review?
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Charles Nepps
NH Green Consulting97 thumbs up
May 4, 2015 - 4:54 pm
So your question is do you get a chance to respond to the comments made in the Final (what you're calling "second") review, without using the Appeal process. No. You only get 2 chances to get it right: when you submit for the Prelim and then when you resubmit for the Final. Comments from the Final review are to give you guidance for your Appeal.