The ANSI S12.60-2002 standard requires that core learning spaces, between 10,000 and 20,000 cubic feet, have reverberation times that do not exceed .7 seconds. The LEED template states that
"The project team will demonstrate through calculations based upon the requirements of ANSI Standard S12.60-2002,
that each of the classrooms and core learning spaces has a reverberation
time of 0.6 seconds or less."
It seems that there is a discrepancy between the ANSI standard of .7 seconds and the template. The template requests .6 seconds, which is not what the standard references.
Has there a clarifying position been posted/released on this issue on the part of GBCI/USGBC?
Daniel Hicks
Daniel Hicks, E.I., INCEGeiler & Associates
267 thumbs up
September 30, 2011 - 12:41 pm
Hi Brian:
I can't find in any of my templates where it says "0.6 seconds or less". All of the ones I've worked on, and the current credit requirements, say that the reverb time needs to meet the ANSI standard. It's possible that it's a new revision and a typo.
If you want a definitive answer, I would ask for clarification. I, personally, would follow the ANSI standard (as that is the original basis for the LEED requirements) and then explain what I did in the comment box.