Our building is on a campus (industrial facility where all workers need to make a shower at the end of the worktime) and our building provides restroom facilities with showerheads for all other buildings. So all workers of the campus will use showerheads inside our building. For Indoor Water Use Reduction prerequisite and credit, can we count only of FTE (group 1) of our bulding or must we count also occupants of other buildings using showerheads located in our building (group 2). In this second case must be the group 2 entered in the Indoor Water Use Reduction Calculator as FTE (only 0,1 of occupants will use the showerheads) or as residential (100% of occupants will use the showerheads)?
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Mohammad H Abbasi
Senior ConsultantWSP
LEEDuser Expert
18 thumbs up
August 7, 2023 - 10:07 am
I think group one is clear but for group two, I categorize them as visitors and include showerheads in group 2 to properly estimate the total water use in the project.
Emily Purcell
Sustainable Design LeadCannonDesign
LEEDuser Expert
372 thumbs up
August 7, 2023 - 12:14 pm
In the water use calculator, there's a "Total Daily Uses" section with "Default" and "Non-Default (Optional)" columns in it. The "Default" number automatically calculates based on whether someone is an FTE, resident, etc. You can put a number in the "Non-Default" column to override that and count the visitors as showering once daily.