
I would like to clarify how to characterize adjustable luminaires. 

I the LEED guide, p.212 (Step 7. Gather data on luminaires, Option 2) it is written: 'Show the total lumens per luminaire and lumens emitted above horizontal by each luminaire (lamp-ballast combination) for the orientation and tilt specified in the project design'.

On the other hand, on the p.215 (Choosing Luminaires) it is stated that: 'Luminaires with limited field adjustability must be assumed to have maximum tilt applied and lumens at or above 90 degrees must be calculated from maximum tilted orientation. To more easily meet the credit requirements, avoid adjustable luminaire types as a primary lighting source'.

Does this mean that if I have an adjustable luminaire, and choose Option 1 (BUG rating), the worst case tilt scenario has to be used for calculation of the BUG rating, but when choosing Option 2 (Calculation), it is fine to use the tilt as specified in the design brief? Or has the maximum tilt of the adjustable luminaire be applied regardless of the calculation method?

Many thanks for sheding some light on this.
