we are working on a mixed use tower (80% residential and 20% office)and we applied to GBCI under LEED NC 2009 but now the client want to add two small retails building G+2 in the same plot.any idea if:
1-the LEED NC 2009 should be revised or it is still applicable.
2- for EAc1 option one energy modeling it is clearly mentioned in appendix G that the gross wall area is the above ground wall so if i m adding these 2 retails building shall i add the window to gross wall area to the builing's and average them all?.
3-the energy modeling would i model them as one model or i have to do 3 sperates models (baseline&proposed for each building).
4-ashrae90.1-2007 will not be applicable for the G+2 retails buildings so what to do.
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Marcus Sheffer
LEED Fellow7group / Energy Opportunities
LEEDuser Expert
5914 thumbs up
October 22, 2010 - 10:02 am
It still sounds like an NC project. LEED Retail kicks in later this year. You could submit a single LEED submission which includes all three buildings or submit each separately.
The window to wall area should be for each whole building. If they are separte then this requirement applies to each building individually.
If they are in one building then it should be one model. If separate buildings you have a choice of modeling them separately or all together in one model. If separatley add the three modeling results together to determine the overall percent savings.
Not sure why 90.1 does not apply? It applies to office, retail and residential over 3 stories.