we are working on a mixed use tower (80% residential and 20% office)and we applied to GBCI under LEED NC 2009 but now the client want to add two small retails building G+2 in the same plot.any idea if:
1-the LEED NC 2009 should be revised or it is still applicable.
2- for EAc1 option one energy modeling it is clearly mentioned in appendix G that the gross wall area is the above ground wall so if i m adding these 2 retails building shall i add the window to gross wall area to the builing's and average them all?.
3-the energy modeling would i model them as one model or i have to do 3 sperates models (baseline&proposed for each building).
4-ashrae90.1-2007 will not be applicable for the G+2 retails buildings so what to do.