Hi! I am a REC retailer and I strongly encourage LEED to consider changing the requirement that RECs be delivered annually under a 5 year contract. Since LEED requires Green-e RECs - and they EXPIRE every year (therefore we can't buy them up front and sell them over 5 years), AND the REC market is completely unpredictable, it is unethical to expect a retailer to make a guess at how much RECs are going to cost 5 years from now and promise that to a buyer. What difference does it make if the RECs are bought and delivered up front vs delivered annually? What is the rationale behind that? The previous version v2009 allowed 2 years to be bought and delivered up front. I don't understand this change. Please explain why you think this is important because it is a huge risk to the REC sellers with no clear benefit to the buyer or LEED or the environment or the RE market in general. In fact it is more beneficial to the RE market to push purchases sooner than later to keep the market growing. Why wait?