When calculating “3% of the total vehicle parking capacity of the site” as per LEED NC 2009 SSc4.3 Option 1, can we use the total parking capacity associated only with our project program and associated LEED scope of work?

The project entails a renovation and addition to a public library that is part of an existing community centre complex. Included in the scope of work is an extension to, and resurfacing of the existing parking lot that services all of the facilities on the site including the public library. Because we are using the site of the existing parking lot of the community centre for the addition to the library – we are 'reshuffling' existing (community centre) parking spaces in addition to adding the required spaces for the increased library area.

We believe we would meet the intent of this credit to base the 3% calculation for SSc4.3 on the parking spots required by the library only, as outlined by the municipal bylaw. While the LEED project boundary definition includes 105 parking spaces due to the extent of work – including the relocation of existing parking spaces - only 32 parking spaces have been alotted by the City as being part of the Library program and are based on the municipal by-lay of 2.5 spaces / 100 m2 of Gross Floor Area. We would provide 3% of refuelling stations for the 32 Library parking spaces. We are not adding parking spaces to the Community Centre.

Does that approach meet the intent of this credit?