Hello! I would like to ask about the 1/4 mile radius from building boundary. I have already read the article on FAQ and the one which Emily wrote, but I have a small confusion on it.

When I think of a retangular building, and if I use ArcGIS to do offset for creating 1/4 mile radius from the building boundary, the 1/4 mile radius is created like a bigger rectangular with big curved edges (so almost look like circle but not a typical circle).  However if I use offset in CAD, the created 1/4 mile radius is just a larger rectangular.

So here is my question that which one is appropriate for the 1/4 mile radius. When I consider the sentence that Emily mentioned 'your radius for calculations is an offset of your boundary and will likely end up being a weird shape, rather than a typical circular radius. Hope this helps others.', I guess 'looks like a circle but not really circle' radius created from ArcGIS is appropriate for the 1/4 mile radius from building boundary, but I just want to make sure for the decision of 1/4 mile radius from building boundary.

Thank you!