Our project is an office building for 60 FTE. It has just one air handler which supplies 100% outdoor air to 2 big working spaces (1st floor & 2nd floor). Besides the main working space, each floor has 3 closed individual offices. Each of this offices have an exhaust fan pulling air outside the building and receiving fresh air that comes from the adjacent main working space through air vents.

When going through Ashrae 62.1 , section 6, we are not sure if our project should be treated as "100% Outdoor Air System" (6.2.4) or "Multiple-Zone Recirculating System" (6.2.5).

It seems to us that the definition of 6.2.5 "Multiple-Zone Recirculating System" stands for an air economizer, which is definitely not our case.

Which system fits our project, 6.2.4 or 6.2.5?
Thanks in advance for your help.