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ND-v2009 SLLc1: Preferred locations 1-10 points

LEEDuser’s viewpoint

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Achieve any combination of requirements in the following three options:

Option 1. Location type
Locate the project in one of the following locations:
  1. A previously developed site that is not an adjacent site or infill site (1 point).
  2. An adjacent site that is also a previously developed site (2 points).
  3. An infill site that is not a previously developed site (3 points).
  4. An infill site that is also a previously developed site (5 points).


Option 2. Connectivity
Locate the project in an area that has existing connectivity within 1/2 mile (800 meters) of the project boundary, as listed to Table 1. Table 1. Points for connectivity within 1/2 mile (800 meters) of project

Intersections per square mile

Intersections per
square kilometer














400 or more

≥ 154


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Cost estimates for this credit

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Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.

This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.

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7/1/2014Updated: 2/14/2015
Global ACP
Description of change:
Under the second bullet, delete "In addition"
Add "or a local equivalent program administered at the national level for projects outside the United States" behind "Difficult Development Area (DDA,)."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
2/2/2011Updated: 2/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
In the third line, remove the text "(up to 20% of total intersections)"
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2012Updated: 2/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
Revise connecitivity definition to the following: connectivity the number of publicly accessible intersections per square mile, including any combination of streets, dedicated alleys, transit rights-of-way, and nonmotorized rights-of-way. If one must both enter and exit an area through the same intersection, such an intersection and any intersections beyond that point are not counted; intersections leading only to culs-de-sac are also not counted. The calculation of square mileage excludes water bodies, parks larger than 1/2 acre, public facility campuses, airports, rail yards, slopes over 15%, and areas nonbuildable under codified law or the rating system. Street rights-of-way may not be excluded.
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2013Updated: 2/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
The paragraph under Table 3. should read: "The intersections per square mile of the site and its surrounding area are calculated according to Equation 3: 212 / [(.932-.342) + (.00781-.00156)] = 355 intersections / square mile. This project qualifies for 4 points under Option 2."
Replace Table 3. See 10/1/2013 ND Addenda Table.
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2013Updated: 2/14/2015
Rating System Correction
Description of change:
Revise connectivity definition to:
“connectivity the number of publicly accessible intersections per square mile, including any combination of streets, dedicated alleys, transit rights-of-way, and nonmotorized rights-of-way. If one must both enter and exit an area through the same intersection, such an intersection and any intersections beyond that point are not counted; intersections leading only to culs-de-sac are also not counted. The calculation of square mileage excludes water bodies, parks larger than 1/2 acre, public facility campuses, airports, rail yards, slopes over 15%, and areas nonbuildable under codified law or the rating system. Street rights-of-way may not be excluded.”
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
7/1/2014Updated: 2/14/2015
Global ACP
Description of change:
Table 1,
Add a second column, "Intersections per square kilometer," with the following values:
≥ 78 and ≥97 and ≥116 and ≥135 and ≥ 154

Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
7/19/2010Updated: 2/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
In the image in the top left corner, change the reference from "b" to "a"
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2013Updated: 2/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
Revise connectivity definition to:
“connectivity the number of publicly accessible intersections per square mile, including any combination of streets, dedicated alleys, transit rights-of-way, and nonmotorized rights-of-way. If one must both enter and exit an area through the same intersection, such an intersection and any intersections beyond that point are not counted; intersections leading only to culs-de-sac are also not counted. The calculation of square mileage excludes water bodies, parks larger than 1/2 acre, public facility campuses, airports, rail yards, slopes over 15%, and areas nonbuildable under codified law or the rating system. Street rights-of-way may not be excluded.”
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2013Updated: 2/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
The paragraph under Step 1 should read "Map the area that is 1/2-mile from the project perimeter. Count the qualifying intersections within the 1/2-mile area. Count the qualifying intersections existing on the site, if they were not constructed or funded within the past ten years by the developer."
Delete Equation 2 entirely.
Delete the sentence after Equation 2: "Intersections of streets with nonmotorized rights-of-way may count for up to 20% of total intersections."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
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© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.


Achieve any combination of requirements in the following three options:

Option 1. Location type
Locate the project in one of the following locations:
  1. A previously developed site that is not an adjacent site or infill site (1 point).
  2. An adjacent site that is also a previously developed site (2 points).
  3. An infill site that is not a previously developed site (3 points).
  4. An infill site that is also a previously developed site (5 points).


Option 2. Connectivity
Locate the project in an area that has existing connectivity within 1/2 mile (800 meters) of the project boundary, as listed to Table 1. Table 1. Points for connectivity within 1/2 mile (800 meters) of project

Intersections per square mile

Intersections per
square kilometer














400 or more

≥ 154


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