1. In the Behind the Intent, all language after the first sentence should be removed and replaced with: "The restoration requirement was reduced from a minimum of 30% to 15%, and a second threshold was added at 25% for two points to reward projects for increased restoration. Soil requirements have been streamlined and testing requirements have been removed. A vegetation section was added to encourage planting of diverse vegetation and pollinator habitat. Option 2. Financial Support was removed to encourage focus on local habitat restoration."
2. Under Step-by-Step Guidance, replace both bullets with: "Verify that at least 15%, rather than 30%, of previously disturbed areas will be restored.
-Soil tests are only required for imported soils.
-Option 2 Financial Support is no longer offered in this credit.
o A contiguous series of habitat areas, including pollinator gardens, connected by landscaped paths are encouraged in order to facilitate connectivity for wildlife, especially pollinating insects that cannot travel far without access to food sources. Pollinator gardens are recommended for areas such as parking lots, which include several small contiguous parcels of vegetation.
o Ground cover includes native and adapted grasses as well as perennials and other plant species. See WE Credit Outdoor Water Use Reduction for more guidance on ground cover.
o Refer to the Xerces Society’s Pollinator-Friendly Plant Lists as a resource to select appropriate plants for local pollinators."
3. Under Further Explanation>Vegetated Roofs, everything after the first bullet should be removed as it is no longer applicable.
4. Under Required Documentation, all 3 bullets should be removed and replaced with the following:
" Site plan depicting the project boundary, building footprint(s), preserved
greenfield area(s) (if applicable), previously disturbed area, restored habitat area, native and adapted vegetation, and designated pollinator garden.
Plants list, including pollinator plants, appropriate for project’s EPA Level III ecoregion (or local equivalent for projects outside the U.S.); must include a minimum of 2 out of the following plant categories: tree, shrub, and ground cover.
Description of disturbed or compacted soils to be revegetated
EPA Level III Ecoregion description (or local equivalent)
No longer required: Soil test results
No longer required: Projects with vegetated roofs to provide the floor area ratio (
Option 2: Financial Support has been removed and relevant documentation requirements are no longer applicable."
5. The following should be removed from the Referenced Standards section: The Nature Conservancy, World Land Trust, and United Nations Environment Programme, List of accredited environmental organizations. Include the following referenced standard at the end: "Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation, Pollinator-Friendly Plant Lists: xerces.org/pollinator-conservation/plant-lists/"
6. Replace all language under Exemplary Performance with the following: "Restore a minimum of 35% (including the building footprint) of all previously disturbed area on site using soil and vegetation that meet the credit requirements."
7. Add a new section for Definitions, including the following definitions:
" adapted vegetation: vegetation that is not native to the particular region it was introduced to, but has evolved or maintained characteristics conducive for healthy growth and requires no additional resources or maintenance, such as water for irrigation, in comparison to similar species native to the area. An adapted species is non-aggressive or disruptive to native plant communities.
contiguous: adjoined or adjacent parcels that facilitate connectivity
greenfield site: area that has not been graded, compacted, cleared, or disturbed and that supports (or could support) open space, habitat, or natural hydrology. See also: previously disturbed.
habitat area: area that supports native wildlife populations by providing locations for nesting, cover, respite, and/or food sources.
invasive vegetation: nonnative or exotic vegetation that quickly grows and aggressively reproduces, often disrupting or displacing native plant communities. The plant’s vigor combined with a lack of natural enemies leads to outbreak populations.
pollinator: an insect or animal that moves pollen from the male anther of a flower to the female stigma of a flower in order to pollinate the vegetation.
pollinator garden: area that is planted with native flowering vegetation that provide nectar, pollen, habitat, or nesting area for native pollinating fauna.
previously disturbed: areas that have been graded, compacted, cleared, previously developed, or disturbed in any way. These are areas that do not qualify as '