LEEDuser’s viewpoint
Frank advice from LEED experts
LEED is changing all the time, and every project is unique. Even seasoned professionals can miss a critical detail and lose a credit or even a prerequisite at the last minute. Our expert advice guides our LEEDuser Premium members and saves you valuable time.
Credit language
© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.
Recycle and/or salvage nonhazardous construction and demolition materials by sending the project’s total commingled waste materials to a mixed-recovery facility that has achieved third party verification of facility-average recycling rates. Project teams must meet the applicable diversion requirements of the following construction waste credit in the applicable LEED rating system for the project.
- LEED 2009 BD+C rating systems New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Healthcare – MR credit Construction Waste Management
- LEED 2009 ID+C rating systems Commercial Interiors, Retail - MR credit Construction Waste Management
- LEED 2009 O+M rating systems Existing Buildings – Solid Waste Management – Facility Alterations and Additions
- LEED for Homes 2008 – MR credit Waste Management
- LEED v4 BD+C rating systems New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Healthcare, Hospitality, Warehouses and Distribution Centers, and Data Centers - MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management
- LEED v4 ID+C rating systems Commercial Interiors, Retail, and Hospitality - MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management
- LEED v4 O+M rating system Existing Buildings, Schools, Retail, Data Centers, Hospitality, and Warehouses and Distribution Centers – Solid Waste Management – Facility Maintenance and Renovation (Note that projects pursuing a reduced waste generated per area credit Option are not eligible for this pilot credit) AND Utilize a recycling facility that processes and recycles co-mingled (mixed) construction and demolition waste materials that has received third party certification of their recycling rates. Qualified third-party organizations who certify facility average recycling rates include these minimum program requirements:
- The certification organization follows guidelines for environmental claims and third-party oversight, including ISO/IEC Guide 65 or ISO 17065 and relevant portions of the ISO 14000 family of standards.
- The certification organization continuously monitors "certified" facilities to ensure that the facilities are operating legally and meeting the minimum program requirements for facility certification and recycling rates.
- Data submitted by the facilities to the certification organization in support of the recycling rate is audited. The audit includes, at a minimum: the evaluation of recyclables sales records, verification of facility sales into commodity markets, monitoring off-site movement of materials, and a review of the facilities' customers weight tags information.
- Facilities submit data to the certification organization that supports the recycling rate, such as a mass balance recycling rate (tons in/tons out) for a twelve month period, or quarterly sorts completed and verified by an independent third party entity.
- Breakdown of materials (by type and by weight), including analysis of supporting data relating to amounts (in tons) and types of materials received and processed at the facility.
- At a minimum, the third-party certifying organization conducts an on-site visit of the Facility for the first year certification, with subsequent site visits occurring at least once every two (2) years, unless additional visits are deemed necessary by the certification organization. The site visit will examine:
- How materials enter, are measured, deposited, processed/sorted and exit facility,
- Conduct interviews with key personnel,
- Confirm equipment types and capacity,
- Observe and verify load/materials sorting and accuracy,
- Verify use and accuracy of scales including calibration frequency.
- Recycling rates shall adhere to these requirements:
- Measurements must be based on weight (not volume), using scales.
- Recycling rates must be available on a website and viewable by the general public.
- Facility recycling data submitted to certification program will be analyzed for recycling rates using a mass balance formula or quarterly sorts completed and verified by an in-dependent third party entity.
- Final recycling rate will include overall facility recycling rate with and without ADC/Beneficial Reuse, and will include separate recycling rates by material type as well as combined average including wood derived fuel/bio-fuel separate from other waste to energy or incineration end-markets.
- Participate in the LEEDuser pilot credit forum
- Complete the feedback survey:
- Proof that the facility or facilities that received materials from the project was "certified" over the timeframe that waste was generated on the project and sent to the processing facility.
- Calculations that demonstrate that the required percentage of commingled construction waste is sent to a facility that has a current* third-party verified facility recycling rate.
- *For the purposes of the credit “current” shall be defined as a facility in good standing with the certifying body at the time of project construction.
- Recycling rates applied to a project's waste generation must be the weighted average for the facility over the time in which the project sent materials to the facility. Time increments shall not be reported less than quarterly and no more than annually, and must use consistent time increments throughout calculations.
- Solid waste management plan for each renovation.
- Total waste generated and waste diverted for FMR activities.
- Description of hazardous materials excluded from credit calculations.
- Proof that the facility or facilities that received materials from the project was "certified" over the timeframe that waste was generated on the project and sent to the processing facility.
- Calculations that demonstrate that the required percentage of commingled construction waste is sent to a facility that has a current* third-party verified facility recycling rate.
- *For the purposes of the credit “current” shall be defined as a facility in good standing with the certifying body at the time of project construction.
- Recycling rates applied to a project's waste generation must be the weighted average for the facility over the time in which the project sent materials to the facility. Time increments shall not be reported less than quarterly and no more than annually, and must use consistent time increments throughout calculations.
General Pilot Documentation Requirements
Register for the pilot creditCredit Specific
For all Rating Systems: Project teams will submit the standard documentation for C&D credit in the applicable LEED rating system, but must also submit:LEED for Homes Review Process
LEED for Homes projects: When complete, submit documentation here.Credit Specific
For all Rating Systems: Project teams will submit the following:What does it cost?
Cost estimates for this credit
On each BD+C v4 credit, LEEDuser offers the wisdom of a team of architects, engineers, cost estimators, and LEED experts with hundreds of LEED projects between then. They analyzed the sustainable design strategies associated with each LEED credit, but also to assign actual costs to those strategies.
Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.
This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.
Learn more about The Cost of LEED v4 »Frequently asked questions
See all forum discussions about this credit »Documentation toolkit
The motherlode of cheat sheets
LEEDuser’s Documentation Toolkit is loaded with calculators to help assess credit compliance, tracking spreadsheets for materials, sample templates to help guide your narratives and LEED Online submissions, and examples of actual submissions from certified LEED projects for you to check your work against. To get your plaque, start with the right toolkit.
Get the inside scoop
Our editors have written a detailed analysis of nearly every LEED credit, and LEEDuser premium members get full access. We’ll tell you whether the credit is easy to accomplish or better left alone, and we provide insider tips on how to document it successfully.
© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.
Recycle and/or salvage nonhazardous construction and demolition materials by sending the project’s total commingled waste materials to a mixed-recovery facility that has achieved third party verification of facility-average recycling rates. Project teams must meet the applicable diversion requirements of the following construction waste credit in the applicable LEED rating system for the project.
- LEED 2009 BD+C rating systems New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Healthcare – MR credit Construction Waste Management
- LEED 2009 ID+C rating systems Commercial Interiors, Retail - MR credit Construction Waste Management
- LEED 2009 O+M rating systems Existing Buildings – Solid Waste Management – Facility Alterations and Additions
- LEED for Homes 2008 – MR credit Waste Management
- LEED v4 BD+C rating systems New Construction, Core and Shell, Schools, Retail, Healthcare, Hospitality, Warehouses and Distribution Centers, and Data Centers - MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management
- LEED v4 ID+C rating systems Commercial Interiors, Retail, and Hospitality - MR Credit Construction and Demolition Waste Management
- LEED v4 O+M rating system Existing Buildings, Schools, Retail, Data Centers, Hospitality, and Warehouses and Distribution Centers – Solid Waste Management – Facility Maintenance and Renovation (Note that projects pursuing a reduced waste generated per area credit Option are not eligible for this pilot credit) AND Utilize a recycling facility that processes and recycles co-mingled (mixed) construction and demolition waste materials that has received third party certification of their recycling rates. Qualified third-party organizations who certify facility average recycling rates include these minimum program requirements:
- The certification organization follows guidelines for environmental claims and third-party oversight, including ISO/IEC Guide 65 or ISO 17065 and relevant portions of the ISO 14000 family of standards.
- The certification organization continuously monitors "certified" facilities to ensure that the facilities are operating legally and meeting the minimum program requirements for facility certification and recycling rates.
- Data submitted by the facilities to the certification organization in support of the recycling rate is audited. The audit includes, at a minimum: the evaluation of recyclables sales records, verification of facility sales into commodity markets, monitoring off-site movement of materials, and a review of the facilities' customers weight tags information.
- Facilities submit data to the certification organization that supports the recycling rate, such as a mass balance recycling rate (tons in/tons out) for a twelve month period, or quarterly sorts completed and verified by an independent third party entity.
- Breakdown of materials (by type and by weight), including analysis of supporting data relating to amounts (in tons) and types of materials received and processed at the facility.
- At a minimum, the third-party certifying organization conducts an on-site visit of the Facility for the first year certification, with subsequent site visits occurring at least once every two (2) years, unless additional visits are deemed necessary by the certification organization. The site visit will examine:
- How materials enter, are measured, deposited, processed/sorted and exit facility,
- Conduct interviews with key personnel,
- Confirm equipment types and capacity,
- Observe and verify load/materials sorting and accuracy,
- Verify use and accuracy of scales including calibration frequency.
- Recycling rates shall adhere to these requirements:
- Measurements must be based on weight (not volume), using scales.
- Recycling rates must be available on a website and viewable by the general public.
- Facility recycling data submitted to certification program will be analyzed for recycling rates using a mass balance formula or quarterly sorts completed and verified by an in-dependent third party entity.
- Final recycling rate will include overall facility recycling rate with and without ADC/Beneficial Reuse, and will include separate recycling rates by material type as well as combined average including wood derived fuel/bio-fuel separate from other waste to energy or incineration end-markets.
- Participate in the LEEDuser pilot credit forum
- Complete the feedback survey:
- Proof that the facility or facilities that received materials from the project was "certified" over the timeframe that waste was generated on the project and sent to the processing facility.
- Calculations that demonstrate that the required percentage of commingled construction waste is sent to a facility that has a current* third-party verified facility recycling rate.
- *For the purposes of the credit “current” shall be defined as a facility in good standing with the certifying body at the time of project construction.
- Recycling rates applied to a project's waste generation must be the weighted average for the facility over the time in which the project sent materials to the facility. Time increments shall not be reported less than quarterly and no more than annually, and must use consistent time increments throughout calculations.
- Solid waste management plan for each renovation.
- Total waste generated and waste diverted for FMR activities.
- Description of hazardous materials excluded from credit calculations.
- Proof that the facility or facilities that received materials from the project was "certified" over the timeframe that waste was generated on the project and sent to the processing facility.
- Calculations that demonstrate that the required percentage of commingled construction waste is sent to a facility that has a current* third-party verified facility recycling rate.
- *For the purposes of the credit “current” shall be defined as a facility in good standing with the certifying body at the time of project construction.
- Recycling rates applied to a project's waste generation must be the weighted average for the facility over the time in which the project sent materials to the facility. Time increments shall not be reported less than quarterly and no more than annually, and must use consistent time increments throughout calculations.