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LTc7Reduced parking footprint Reduced parking footprint


Healthcare-v4 LTc7: Reduced parking footprint 1 point

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LEEDuser expert

Marilyn Specht

LEED AP (ND, O+M), WELL AP, LFA, Fitwel Ambassador, EcoDistricts AP

Senior Principal | Director of Sustainability Integration


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Do not exceed the minimum local code requirements for parking capacity. Provide parking capacity that is a percentage reduction below the base ratios recommended by the Parking Consultants Council, as shown in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Transportation Planning Handbook, 3rd edition, Tables 18-2 through 18-4.

Case 1. Baseline location
Projects that have not earned points under LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve a 20% reduction from the base ratios.
Case 2. Dense and/or transit-served location
Projects earning 1 or more points under either LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve a 40% reduction from the base ratios.
For all projects
The credit calculations must include all existing and new off-street parking spaces that are leased or owned by the project, including parking that is outside the project boundary but is used by the project. On-street parking in public rights-of-way is excluded from these calculations.

For projects that use pooled parking, calculate compliance using the project’s share of the pooled parking.

Provide preferred parking for carpools for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. Preferred parking is not required if no off-street parking is provided.

Mixed-use projects should determine the percentage reduction by first aggregating the parking amount of each use (as specified by the base ratios) and then determining the percentage reduction from the aggregated parking amount.

Do not count parking spaces for fleet and inventory vehicles unless these vehicles are regularly used by employees for commuting as well as business purposes.

Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs)

Europe ACP: Reduced Parking Footprint
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces. The discounted rate must be publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle.

Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs)

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What does it cost?

Cost estimates for this credit

On each BD+C v4 credit, LEEDuser offers the wisdom of a team of architects, engineers, cost estimators, and LEED experts with hundreds of LEED projects between then. They analyzed the sustainable design strategies associated with each LEED credit, but also to assign actual costs to those strategies.

Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.

This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.

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LEEDuser tip sheets, written by our team of LEED experts, fill gaps in knowledge we’ve observed between the LEED Reference Guide, LEED Online, and LEED Interpretations. We update them regularly so that our members get the most relevant guidance for current issues on their projects.

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Frequently asked questions

Can this credit be achieved if the project has no existing parking and is providing no new parking?

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I don’t have a copy of the Transportation Planning Handbook. How do I determine the base ratio for my project?

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My mixed-use building contains space types that aren’t listed in the Base Ratios table in the Reference Guide. How do I calculate the base ratio for my project? 

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4/6/2018Updated: 11/6/2020
Regional ACP
Description of change:
International Tips section added to provide supporting guidance for the Europe ACP:

"Preferred Parking for Carpools and Shared-Use Vehicles
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. Preferred parking is not required if no off-street parking is provided.

Discounted Parking Rate
For projects pursuing Case 2 which will require payment for parking, a discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces."

Europe ACP added to Requirements section:
"Europe ACP: Reduced Parking Footprint
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces. The discounted rate must be publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
4/6/2018Updated: 11/6/2020
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
International Tips section added to provide supporting guidance for the Europe ACP:

"Preferred Parking for Carpools and Shared-Use Vehicles
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. Preferred parking is not required if no off-street parking is provided.

Discounted Parking Rate
For projects pursuing Case 2 which will require payment for parking, a discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces."

Europe ACP added to Requirements section:
"Europe ACP: Reduced Parking Footprint
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces. The discounted rate must be publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2015Updated: 10/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
Update the Exemplary Performance under the v4 LEED-NC credit: LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint to the following:
Case 1. Achieve a 40% parking reduction from the base ratios.
Case 2. Achieve a 60% parking reduction from the base ratios.

Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
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Documentation toolkit

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LEEDuser tip sheets, written by our team of LEED experts, fill gaps in knowledge we’ve observed between the LEED Reference Guide, LEED Online, and LEED Interpretations. We update them regularly so that our members get the most relevant guidance for current issues on their projects.

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LEEDuser expert

Marilyn Specht

LEED AP (ND, O+M), WELL AP, LFA, Fitwel Ambassador, EcoDistricts AP

Senior Principal | Director of Sustainability Integration

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LEEDuser tip sheets, written by our team of LEED experts, fill gaps in knowledge we’ve observed between the LEED Reference Guide, LEED Online, and LEED Interpretations. We update them regularly so that our members get the most relevant guidance for current issues on their projects.

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© Copyright U.S. Green Building Council, Inc. All rights reserved.


Do not exceed the minimum local code requirements for parking capacity. Provide parking capacity that is a percentage reduction below the base ratios recommended by the Parking Consultants Council, as shown in the Institute of Transportation Engineers’ Transportation Planning Handbook, 3rd edition, Tables 18-2 through 18-4.

Case 1. Baseline location
Projects that have not earned points under LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve a 20% reduction from the base ratios.
Case 2. Dense and/or transit-served location
Projects earning 1 or more points under either LT Credit Surrounding Density and Diverse Uses or LT Credit Access to Quality Transit must achieve a 40% reduction from the base ratios.
For all projects
The credit calculations must include all existing and new off-street parking spaces that are leased or owned by the project, including parking that is outside the project boundary but is used by the project. On-street parking in public rights-of-way is excluded from these calculations.

For projects that use pooled parking, calculate compliance using the project’s share of the pooled parking.

Provide preferred parking for carpools for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. Preferred parking is not required if no off-street parking is provided.

Mixed-use projects should determine the percentage reduction by first aggregating the parking amount of each use (as specified by the base ratios) and then determining the percentage reduction from the aggregated parking amount.

Do not count parking spaces for fleet and inventory vehicles unless these vehicles are regularly used by employees for commuting as well as business purposes.

Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs)

Europe ACP: Reduced Parking Footprint
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces. The discounted rate must be publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle.

Alternative Compliance Paths (ACPs)

Cost estimates for this credit

On each BD+C v4 credit, LEEDuser offers the wisdom of a team of architects, engineers, cost estimators, and LEED experts with hundreds of LEED projects between then. They analyzed the sustainable design strategies associated with each LEED credit, but also to assign actual costs to those strategies.

Our tab contains overall cost guidance, notes on what “soft costs” to expect, and a strategy-by-strategy breakdown of what to consider and what it might cost, in percentage premiums, actual costs, or both.

This information is also available in a full PDF download in The Cost of LEED v4 report.

Learn more about The Cost of LEED v4 »

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For full access, sign up now for LEEDuser Premium

LEEDuser tip sheets, written by our team of LEED experts, fill gaps in knowledge we’ve observed between the LEED Reference Guide, LEED Online, and LEED Interpretations. We update them regularly so that our members get the most relevant guidance for current issues on their projects.

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Can this credit be achieved if the project has no existing parking and is providing no new parking?

The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial »

(If you're already a premium member, log in here.)

I don’t have a copy of the Transportation Planning Handbook. How do I determine the base ratio for my project?

The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial »

(If you're already a premium member, log in here.)

My mixed-use building contains space types that aren’t listed in the Base Ratios table in the Reference Guide. How do I calculate the base ratio for my project? 

The answer to this question is available to LEEDuser premium members. Start a free trial »

(If you're already a premium member, log in here.)

4/6/2018Updated: 11/6/2020
Regional ACP
Description of change:
International Tips section added to provide supporting guidance for the Europe ACP:

"Preferred Parking for Carpools and Shared-Use Vehicles
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. Preferred parking is not required if no off-street parking is provided.

Discounted Parking Rate
For projects pursuing Case 2 which will require payment for parking, a discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces."

Europe ACP added to Requirements section:
"Europe ACP: Reduced Parking Footprint
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces. The discounted rate must be publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
4/6/2018Updated: 11/6/2020
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
International Tips section added to provide supporting guidance for the Europe ACP:

"Preferred Parking for Carpools and Shared-Use Vehicles
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. Preferred parking is not required if no off-street parking is provided.

Discounted Parking Rate
For projects pursuing Case 2 which will require payment for parking, a discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces."

Europe ACP added to Requirements section:
"Europe ACP: Reduced Parking Footprint
For European projects pursuing Case 2, provide preferred parking for carpool or shared-use vehicles for 5% of the total parking spaces after reductions are made from the base ratios. A discounted parking rate of at least 20% for carpool vehicles is an acceptable substitute for preferred parking spaces. The discounted rate must be publicly posted at the entrance of the parking area and permanently available to every qualifying vehicle."
Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:
10/1/2015Updated: 10/14/2015
Reference Guide Correction
Description of change:
Update the Exemplary Performance under the v4 LEED-NC credit: LT Credit Reduced Parking Footprint to the following:
Case 1. Achieve a 40% parking reduction from the base ratios.
Case 2. Achieve a 60% parking reduction from the base ratios.

Campus Applicable
Internationally Applicable:

LEEDuser expert

Marilyn Specht

LEED AP (ND, O+M), WELL AP, LFA, Fitwel Ambassador, EcoDistricts AP

Senior Principal | Director of Sustainability Integration

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