At the end of the “Requirements” section in each of the BPDO credits, change text to the following:
“Structure and
enclosure materials may not constitute more than 30% of the value of compliant building products. Projects with significant amounts of structural and
enclosure materials may exceed the 30% limit by calculating an alternative
structure and
enclosure limit (See Equation 3 under Further Explanation).”
Furthermore, add the following new section in every BPDO credit under “Further Explanation - CALCULATIONS”:
“Equation 3: Alternative Structure & Enclosure Percentage Limit for Option 2
For projects with significant amounts of
structure and
enclosure materials, the following calculation can be made to determine an alternative limit for the percentage of value that
structure and
enclosure materials can contribute to credit achievement. Note: this option is only available for projects that use the actual materials cost method (not the default cost method) to determine total project material costs.
Equation 3: Alternative Structure and Enclosure limit
Alternative Structure and Enclosure limit = (value $ of total building materials that are structural or
enclosure) [divided by] (total actual materials value $)
Use the results of equation 3 to replace the 30% contribution factor limit in determining compliance with the credit.”