Providing lighting controllability to 90% of individual-occupant spaces can add some upfront cost to your project if this is not standard practice. However, better lighting controllability can reduce lighting and cooling loads and increase productivity. Additionally, since ambient lighting generally is more energy-intensive and generates more heat than task lighting, emphasis on task-specific lighting can reduce energy costs by reducing the level of ambient lighting needed.
Cleaning up contaminated sites to appropriate standards for development can be costly due to the time required to determine the level of contamination, analyze various cleanup options, and carry out the remediation.
Invite several companies to bid on the creation and implementation of a master plan for site remediation. This strategy enables comparison of remediation techniques and costs. Try to contract with an environmental firm early in the project.
With longer leases, occupants benefit from energy and water savings and other efficiencies over a longer period of time, which can mean greater incentives to implement green strategies with longer payback periods. Examples include:
Preserve existing vegetation, especially mature trees, whenever possible. This will decrease costs for temporary stabilization measures and erosion controls. In addition, the vegetation may also be used as part of your landscaping plan.