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Cost Tip

The costs of revising vendor contracts and implementing environmental best management practices should be minimal. Some green practices or products may carry small premiums. For example, additional site visits by your contractors for proactive pest monito

The costs of revising vendor contracts and implementing environmental best management practices should be minimal. Some green practices or products may carry small premiums. For example, additional site visits by your contractors for proactive pest monitoring may carry additional hourly charges. At the same time there is the potential for green practices to offset these cost premiums. For example fewer fertilizers, fewer pesticides and fewer tipping fees can help to offset some of the higher costs of a green program.

Minimal costs are involved with revising vendor contracts and implementing environmental best management practices. Some green practices or products may carry small premiums. For example, additional site visits by your contractors for proactive pest monit

Minimal costs are involved with revising vendor contracts and implementing environmental best management practices. Some green practices or products may carry small premiums. For example, additional site visits by your contractors for proactive pest monitoring may carry additional hourly charges. On the other hand, reduced use of pesticides and better preventive practices may reduce costs.