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Action Steps

When analyzing audit results, look for missed recycling and source-reduction opportunities. Note the number of recyclables that are thrown in the trash, as well as recurring waste that could be eliminated completely. For example, if paper towels are a maj

When analyzing audit results, look for missed recycling and source-reduction opportunities. Note the number of recyclables that are thrown in the trash, as well as recurring waste that could be eliminated completely. For example, if paper towels are a major component of the unrecyclable waste stream, consider installing efficient hand dryers. (See the

Inform the housekeeping staff that, when collecting waste for the audit, they should maintain the separate streams that currently exist. For example, if your building individually collects commingled recyclables, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, and general

Inform the housekeeping staff that, when collecting waste for the audit, they should maintain the separate streams that currently exist. For example, if your building individually collects commingled recyclables, batteries, fluorescent bulbs, and general garbage, the housekeeping staff should maintain those separate collections during the audit. 

Determine the best time period over which to collect the waste sample. Typically, project teams audit the amount of waste generated over the course of a standard 24-hour day (not a holiday or half-day). Buildings should collect a longer sample if they exp

Determine the best time period over which to collect the waste sample. Typically, project teams audit the amount of waste generated over the course of a standard 24-hour day (not a holiday or half-day). Buildings should collect a sample over a longer time period if they expect significant variation from day to day—the key is to pick a day or time period that is actually representative. Do it right so you get something out of it.