Review the LEED CI rating system to determine how the core-and-shell project could aid tenants pursuing LEED CI. If the core-and-shell building pursues the following credits you may aid in the tenants pursuing LEED-CI certification:
- If the core-and-shell building pursues EAc5.2: Measurement and Verification—Tenant Submetering, then your tenants can more easily achieve LEED-CI EAc3: Measurement and Verification.
- The inclusion of low-flow and low-flush fixtures in compliance with WEp1 and WEc3: Water Use Reduction will help tenants who will not be installing their own fixtures.
- Installing extra bike racks (or working with the tenant to determine their required number of bike racks) and providing tenants with access to shower or changing rooms will help them achieve SSc3.2: Alternative Transportation—Bicycle Storage and Changing Rooms.
- Installing an area for the collection and storage of recyclables (as required under MRp1 for LEED-CS), helps tenants automatically achieve MRp1 for LEED CI.
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