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Make sure that the curriculum covers ten hours for every full-time student. For example, if you have a middle school with grades 6–8, you might have one lesson plan for each grade. For example: For 6th graders, building sustainability might be incorp

Make sure that the curriculum covers ten hours for every full-time student. For example, if you have a middle school with grades 6–8, you might have one lesson plan for each grade. For example: 

  • For 6th graders, building sustainability might be incorporated into their electives. In art class they could draw their ideal sustainable building and include a narrative. In shop class they could make recycled furniture. In home sciences they could cook with onsite or locally grown food. 
  • If the 7th grade science class is biology, students can learn about the vegetable garden (or green roof) and the wildlife it attracts; they can look into the food chain and where humans get their food; they can learn about pesticides and fertilizers; they can see how composting works and learn about its benefits; and they can study the effects of the collection and reuse of rain, and see how a living machine can support life. 
  • The 8th graders might collect data and monitor systems in the building for a year. They could take the ambient air temperature, wall-surface temperature inside and wall-surface temperature outside to determine the R-value of the wall assembly. They may also collect and track water and energy bills to determine savings.
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