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If you are still unsure whether your project is located on prime farmland, look at the USDA Web Soils Survey map program through the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). See the Resources section for a link. Follow these steps:Search by the sta

If you are still unsure whether your project is located on prime farmland, look at the USDA Web Soils Survey map program through the Natural Resources Conservation Services (NRCS). See the Resources section for a link. Follow these steps:

  • Search by the state and county, or by the project address.
  • Define your area of interest (AOI) or project boundary.
  • Click on the tab for Soil Data Explorer and then on the tab for Suitabilities and Limitations for Use. 
  • Click on Land Classifications and then View Rating. This will provide you with a map delineating any areas of prime farmland. See the example of prime farmland research in the Documentation Toolkit; this example is for a compliant site that is not located on prime farmland
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