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If necessary, install additional submeters to meet the credit requirements.To earn one point, 40% of total, annual expected energy consumption, and at least 80% of at least one of the two largest energy use applications, must be submetered.To earn two poi

Tenant energy use is not considered an acceptable end use according to these credit requirements. That said, if the breakdown includes tenant energy broken into additional end uses - such as lighting, plug loads, tenant-owned HVAC - then these can contribute to the overall submetering scheme.

  • To earn one point, 40% of total, annual expected energy consumption, and at least 80% of at least one of the two largest energy use applications, must be submetered.
  • To earn two points, 80% of the total, annual expected energy consumption, and at least 80% of two of the three largest energy use applications, must be submetered.
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