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Determine whether IPMVP Option B or Option D is most appropriate for the project design. (Option C, which was allowed in earlier versions of LEED, is not allowed, as it is considered less accurate, and doesn't allow for M&V of individual energy conser

Determine whether IPMVP Option B or Option D is most appropriate for the project design. (Option C, which was allowed in earlier versions of LEED, is not allowed, as it is considered less accurate, and doesn't allow for M&V of individual energy conservation measures.)

  • Option B is based on engineering calculations using metered data and is generally appropriate for smaller buildings without interactive systems. You will need to verify compliance with Option B for projects with more complex control systems. 
  • Option D uses calibrated whole-building energy simulations for both the baseline and design case and is generally appropriate for larger, more complex buildings where energy modeling has or will occur. 
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