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In addition to meeting the mandatory requirements, the project must demonstrate that the energy use of the project is equivalent to ASHRAE 90.1-2007. This can be demonstrated by complying with the prescriptive checklist or simulating whole-building energy

In addition to meeting the mandatory requirements, the project must demonstrate that the energy use of the project is equivalent to ASHRAE 90.1-2007. This can be demonstrated by complying with the prescriptive checklist or simulating whole-building energy use with an energy model, also known as the performance option.

  • Option 1) Prescriptive: The four components of energy use (below) must meet every requirement on the predefined checklist.  
  • Option 2) Performance: Create an energy model for the space to determine the percentage savings on the total design as compared to a minimally code-compliant space.
  • Refer to credit EAc1.3: Optimize Energy Performance—HVAC, for a more detailed description of the performance option and credit achievement.
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