Kelly Mehring's picture

Kelly Mehring


Manager of Existing Building Certifications

Rivion, LLC


Kelly has an extensive background in waste and recycling as she previously worked for Waukesha County in the Department of Parks & Land Use as a Recycling Specialist. During her time at Waukesha County, she assisted with the oversight of five recycling program areas including household hazardous waste, materials recovery facility, organics and yard waste, electronics and appliance recycling, and waste management for county owned facilities. She also chaired the Associated Recyclers of Wisconsin’s (AROW) Communications, Marketing, & Education Committee where she coordinated and facilitated annual statewide communication plans.

Currently, Kelly works for EEI as Manager of Existing Building Certifications in the consulting sector delivering efficiency and sustainability solutions to achieve client’s existing building goals. In this role, she is able to utilize her skill of translating complex, technical information into non-technical communication for a variety of audiences. What makes her stand out from others is her ability to view and tackle sustainability from multiple lenses including the public and private sectors.