Dana Waters
Air Pollution Specialist
California Air Resources Board
Dana Papke Waters is an Air Pollution Specialist at the California Air Resources Board (ARB) with over fifteen years of experience working in the energy efficiency and green building fields. In the last eight years, she has focused on reducing the impacts of climate change and is ARB’s lead technical staff on green building. Dana is leading a Sustainability Task Team to assess and implement all feasible and cost-effective actions to achieve LEED Platinum certification and secure a zero-net energy rating for a new ARB building in Southern California. She has developed and updated the Green Building measure in the AB 32 Climate Change Scoping Plan, which describes measures and other actions for California to achieve the 2020 climate target. Dana serves as ARB’s ex-officio member on the Green Building Code Advisory Committee and is part of an interagency team working to implement the Governor’s Green Building Executive Order. Dana is managing several research contracts to improve quantification of greenhouse gas emission reductions of green building projects and local government actions. Dana served as a core committee member of the USGBC Materials and Resources Technical Advisory Group between 2004 and 2007. She is currently a member of the California CHPS Partner Advisory Committee and member of the CHPS National Technical Committee.