charles russell
vice president
vca code group
Charles Russell, C.B.O.
Vice President
In October of 2008 Mr. Charles “Russ” Russell was named Vice President of VCA Code Group, an Orange, California based consulting and engineering firm. Russ is responsible for the operations and management of the firm, which provides building code evaluation and plan checking services for municipal and county building departments across California.
For the past eighteen months Russ has be touring the State providing seminars on the implementation of CALGreen. These seminars are in collaboration with the Building Standards Commission (BSC), State Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD), and Green Technology of Pasadena. The topics of the seminars include a general introduction to CALGreen including introduction to in-depth residential and commercial applications. The audiences for these seminars include architects, engineers, building and planning personnel, contractors, developers, and educators. Recently Russ and Teresa Townsend from the Division of State Architects (DSA) office co-presented an introduction to CALGreen for the Community College Green Summit Conference in Pasadena.