Operations and maintenance staff need to be on board if you select a system that is unconventional or requires a new maintenance protocol. It is best to have operations and maintenance staff participate in MEP meetings regardless of system type.
From your list of appliances and equipment, create a table that includes power rating for each entry, and whether each is Energy Star-labeled. Add the power usage for each piece of equipment on your list, including Energy Star-labeled equipment. The percentage of total power usage from Energy Star-labeled equipment should be at least 50%.
“Rated power” refers to the maximum amount of power that can be drawn by a piece of equipment at any given time. Be sure to use this for each appliance and piece of equipment to be consistent in your documentation.
Add the rated power for each piece of new equipment to the list of appliances and equipment that you began during the predesign phase. When the rated power is not easily available from product data sheets, refer to the Energy Star website.
With early design direction and energy-efficient fixture selection, lighting power density can easily be reduced by 10% with little or no additional cost.