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Forum » NC-2009 SSc8

ULR compliance and indirect light

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by ÅF Lighting on Feb 11, 2014, 4:51 am

We are developing a principal design for an industrial building within zone LZ2 or 3, depending on where it is located in the world. I wonder wether it will be accepted to have lighting pointing...

Hotel guest rooms = dwelling units

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Jens Apel on Feb 11, 2014, 4:06 am

I understand that residential units are exempt from interior lighting requirements. Does this include hotel guest rooms as well?


NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Sahar Abi-Ziki on Feb 6, 2014, 11:17 am

We are trying to achieve this credit, I have 2 questions;
- The municipality has few lighting off our site limit but very close to our LEED boundary. Should we include them in the...

Historical building, facade lighting, light trespass

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Jens Apel on Feb 4, 2014, 5:29 am

We work on a major renovation of a historical building with zero plot line in an LZ3 commercial centre. The facades will be lighted. I understand that the facade lighting is not exempt from the...

ULR (Upward Light Ratio) Difference

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by SSN Energy Model on Jan 20, 2014, 5:40 am

We are doing external lighting simulation for factory building. We are using 250W street light fitting (10nos) and there is no other type of lights. Our strategy is to provide optimum lux level...

Relocated "globe" fixtures on campus

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Deborah Zimmerman on Jan 7, 2014, 7:02 pm

We have a new construction project on an existing campus setting. To make room for the new building, an existing sidewalk has been relocated along with the existing light standards. The existing...

Translucent "Daylighting" Panels- count as "shielded" openings?

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Lyle Axelarris on Dec 20, 2013, 2:39 pm

We have insulated, translucent daylighting panels on the project, and I'm wondering if they will be considered "windows" for the interior lighting requirements of this credit. If Option 1 (power...

Historic building facade highlighting 24/7

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Alfred Servodidio on Dec 11, 2013, 3:47 pm

Our project is an...

Landscape Allowance

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Emmanuel Pauwels on Dec 2, 2013, 4:50 am

We are working on a Project that will have exterior lighting in the landscape area.
We should include landscape lighting in the calculations?
Does Ashrae allow landscape lighting?...

light trespass vs hardscape

NC-2009 SSc8: Light Pollution Reduction
posted by Carrie Laurendine on Nov 20, 2013, 6:20 pm

project is along an arterial road with lots of city lights. i see the leed interpretation #10114 - which allows leed boundary to be extended outward to midline of street in this scenario.
