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Window Assembly- LBNL vs European SoftwareNC-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performanceposted by Martin Meehan on Aug 8, 2016, 6:21 am
Dear all, Our project recently received the comment below regarding window... Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Aug 9, 2016, 9:28 am |
Rainwater Harvesting for Toilet FlushingNC-v4 WEp2: Indoor water use reductionposted by Patrice McVeigh on Jun 1, 2016, 12:53 pm
Hello all, Can... Last reply: Charalampos Giannikopoulos, Jun 2, 2016, 3:24 am |
Paired bus route serviceNC-v4 LTc5: Access to quality transitposted by Patrice McVeigh on Apr 22, 2016, 5:09 am
Hi, Is it necessary for both stops to be within 400m of the site in order to satisfy the paired route requirements? There are a considerable number of one-way streets adjacent to our site... Last reply: Kimberly Schlaepfer, May 5, 2016, 6:56 pm |
ISO 50001 ACP TimeframeEBOM-2009 EAp1: Energy efficiency best management practices - planning, documentation and opportunity assessmentposted by Gina Dederer on Apr 5, 2016, 6:23 am
Our project has completed a full ISO 50001 certification last year and is not due for a renewal until 2018. The ACP for the ISO 50001 certification states that the certification had to be... Last reply: Dave Hubka, Apr 26, 2016, 8:40 am |
Paints or sealants applied before building is sealedCS-2009 IEQc4.1: Low-emitting materials - adhesives and sealantsposted by Patrice McVeigh on Jan 28, 2016, 10:10 am
Hi, If paints /... Last reply: Tristan Roberts, Apr 22, 2016, 5:42 pm |
Suburban achieving SSc2NC-2009 SSc5.2: Site development - maximize open spaceposted by Martin Meehan on Mar 31, 2016, 8:32 am
The credit language states that projects in Urban areas achieving SSc2 can contribute with green roof/pedestrian oriented hardscape. Are projects in Suburban areas achieving SSc2 allowed... Last reply: Saurabh Shrestha, Apr 6, 2016, 10:07 pm |
EA Prerequisite Minimum Energy PerformanceEBOM-v4 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performanceposted by Jordan Kirrane on Jan 15, 2016, 11:50 am
I'm currently completing the form for the above prerequisite to achieve the credit for EA Credit Optimize Energy Performance under Case 2, Option 2. Benchmark against historical data (0-14 points... Last reply: Ben Stanley, Mar 29, 2016, 12:00 pm |
Retail RefrigerationRetail-NC-v4 EAp4: Fundamental Refrigerant Managementposted by Jason Smith on Feb 15, 2016, 11:02 am
I am currently working on a new retail construction project and would like to know if we should include the chilled drink cabinets (fizzy drinks, Milk etc.) within the Fundamental Refrigeration... Last reply: Melissa Kelly, Mar 3, 2016, 3:48 pm |
Perimeter protectionNC-2009 SSp1: Construction Activity Pollution Preventionposted by Martin Meehan on Feb 11, 2016, 9:33 am
We have a number of LEED projects in infill locations in Ireland. Since we don't really have a standard code for site Erosion and Sedimentation we have to stick to the U.S. EPA's... Last reply: Michael DeVuono, Feb 11, 2016, 1:22 pm |
Contaminated soil found during excavation.CS-2009 SSc3: Brownfield Redevelopmentposted by Martin Meehan on Feb 8, 2016, 6:40 am
The project involved the demolition of a existing building that had asbestos present on it. Asbestos were removed prior to demolition and the process was properly documented for LEED. ... Last reply: Larry Sims, Feb 8, 2016, 12:28 pm |