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Combination of New Build and ExistingNC-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performanceposted by Jordan Kirrane on Oct 13, 2016, 10:05 am
Hello, Last reply: Jordan Kirrane, Oct 24, 2016, 5:48 am |
Steel lockers BIFMA testingCI-2009 IEQc4.5: Low-emitting materials - systems furniture and seatingposted by Anna Korinkova on Oct 18, 2016, 10:54 am
We have steel lockers on our project which shall be produced by a steel company and painted in the factory. They claim to use low... Last reply: Michael Smithing, Oct 18, 2016, 11:52 am |
SSpc14 Walkable project SitePilot-Credits PC14: Walkable Streetsposted by R Jones on Jun 17, 2016, 10:55 am
I have recently applied this criteria to a Major Refurbishment project in an Urban setting. Last reply: Agnes Vorbrodt, Oct 12, 2016, 2:57 pm |
Signage LanguageEBOM-v4 EQp2: Environmental tobacco smoke controlposted by Julia Perez on Aug 24, 2016, 9:01 am
I would like to know if there are any specific requirements on the type of signage that should be put up. I have read that it the "language on the signage is up to the project team" and I have... Last reply: Julia Perez, Aug 30, 2016, 5:02 am |
KS and KD Values in Table 1- Cannot findNC-2009 WEc1: Water Efficient Landscapingposted by Amal Iqbal on Jul 7, 2016, 2:54 pm
Hello, I checked on page 185 of the BD+C Reference as mentioned by William in a previos post, and did not see anything about species factors. What is the complete reference title, can you... Last reply: Carlie Bullock-Jones, Aug 17, 2016, 5:40 pm |
IEQp1&c2 DocumentationCI-2009 IEQp1: Minimum indoor air quality performanceposted by Jordan Kirrane on Jul 27, 2016, 9:28 am
Hello, |
Legal Wood- ID PointPilot-Credits MRpc102: Legal Woodposted by Emily Loquidis on Jul 18, 2016, 7:31 am
Is there potential to use this as an Innovation point in addition to the ACP Credit for MRc7? Has anyone been successful with this? We have 70% both responsible/certified in addition to the legal... |
Option 2 IAQ Testing- ScheduleCI-2009 IEQc3.2: Construction IAQ management plan - before occupancyposted by Anne-Claire BARBERI on Jun 25, 2015, 12:48 pm
Hello, In the reference guide, it is written that for "Option 2 Air Testing", the test must be conducted after construction ends and within 14 days following occupancy. Moreover, the test... Last reply: Akos Brandecker, Jun 24, 2016, 5:52 am |
Is IESVE IMPACT an accepted LCA tool?NC-v4 MRc1: Building life-cycle impact reductionposted by Juliana Moreira on Jan 7, 2015, 11:29 am
Hi, Last reply: Panu Pasanen, Jun 10, 2016, 6:05 am |
Service hot water pumps in the baselineNC-2009 EAp2: Minimum Energy Performanceposted by Jordan Kirrane on Apr 14, 2016, 12:03 pm
I am doing an ASHRAE 90.1-2007 PRM analysis. We have a DOAS CV laboratory design. Our proposed service hot water (... Last reply: Marcus Sheffer, Apr 25, 2016, 2:29 pm |